6 Days to Finish
Plasmid Bioscience makes prep easy and reliable.
Step 1 Shipping
Send us your samples to 525 E Michigan Ave., Suite 128, Saline Michigan 48176-1547
Step 2 Transformation
We transform your DNA sample into a competent strain of E.coli.
Step 3 Clone Selection
We plate transformed cells on agar plates that contain the antibiotic resistance on your plasmid.
Step 4 Growth/Harvest
Culture grows overnight in a controlled shaker. When ready, we collect the cells by centrifugation.
Step 5 Lysis/Purification
The collected cell paste goes through a lysis event, and genomic DNA, RNA and proteins are removed and the plasmid is purified.
Step 6 Quality Control
We resuspend the pure plasmid DNA in a set volume of buffer. Our base-line QC reports the concentration, OD 260/280 ratio and total yield of the plasmid on the label of the final deliverable vial.
Step 7 Receive Finished Samples
Receive your finished preps, ready to use.
Do You Need More QC Metrics For Your Samples?
If your samples requires a Custom Plasmid prep, please contact us here.
6 Days Start to Finish
Plasmid Bioscience makes prep easy and reliable.
Step 1 Shipping
Send us your samples to 525 E Michigan Ave., Suite 128 Saline Michigan 48176-1547.
Step 2 Transformation
We transform your DNA sample into a competent strain of E.coli.
Step 3 Clone Selection
We plate transformed cells on agar plates that contain the antibiotic resistance on your plasmid.
Step 4 Growth/Harvest
Culture grow overnight in a secure controlled shaker. Then we collect the cells by centrifugation.
Step 5 Lysis/Purification
Harvested cell paste goes through an lysis event, and genomic DNA, RNA and proteins are removed and plasmid is purified.
Step 6 Quaility Control
We resuspend the pure plasmid DNA in a set volume of buffer. Our base line QC reports the concentration, OD 260/280 ratio and total yield of the plasmid on the label of the final deliverable vial.
Step 7 Receive Finished Samples
Receive your finished preps, ready to use.
Do You Have Sample that require additional QC metrics?
If your samples require Custom Preps, contact for custom services.