6 Days to Finish

Plasmid Bioscience makes prep easy and reliable.

Step 1 Shipping

Send us your samples to 525 E Michigan Ave., Suite 128, Saline Michigan 48176-1547

Step 2 Transformation

We transform your DNA sample into a competent strain of E.coli.

Step 3 Clone Selection

We plate transformed cells on agar plates that contain the antibiotic resistance on your plasmid.

Step 4 Growth/Harvest

Culture grows overnight in a controlled shaker. When ready, we collect the cells by centrifugation.

Step 5 Lysis/Purification

The collected cell paste goes through a lysis event, and genomic DNA, RNA and proteins are removed and the plasmid is purified.

Step 6 Quality Control

We resuspend the pure plasmid DNA in a set volume of buffer. Our base-line QC reports the concentration, OD 260/280 ratio and total yield of the plasmid on the label of the final deliverable vial.

Step 7 Receive Finished Samples

Receive your finished preps, ready to use.

Do You Need More QC Metrics For Your Samples?

If your samples requires a Custom Plasmid prep, please contact us here.

6 Days Start to Finish

Plasmid Bioscience makes prep easy and reliable.

Step 1 Shipping

Send us your samples to 525 E Michigan Ave., Suite 128 Saline Michigan 48176-1547.

Step 2 Transformation

We transform your DNA sample into a competent strain of E.coli.

Step 3 Clone Selection

We plate transformed cells on agar plates that contain the antibiotic resistance on your plasmid.

Step 4 Growth/Harvest

Culture grow overnight in a secure controlled shaker. Then we collect the cells by centrifugation.

Step 5 Lysis/Purification

Harvested cell paste goes through an lysis event, and genomic DNA, RNA and proteins are removed and plasmid is purified.

Step 6 Quaility Control

We resuspend the pure plasmid DNA in a set volume of buffer. Our base line QC reports the concentration, OD 260/280 ratio and total yield of the plasmid on the label of the final deliverable vial.

Step 7 Receive Finished Samples

Receive your finished preps, ready to use.

Do You Have Sample that require additional QC metrics?

If your samples require Custom Preps, contact for custom services.

Order your Standard Plasmid prep here →